Sometimes, I just love McDonald's. Can I just tell you that now. Today it was a life saver.
The kids are all 3 sick at the same time. They all have scary high fevers. Shaun in 0.5 away from having to be in the hospital, Kenna 0.2 away from a hospital trip. And, I've had to work these last 3 nights. (Oh, have I told you I have a new manager? I think she escaped Satan's dungeon.) So, today I think I slept 15 minutes at a time, and it was with Shaun lying on my head, Avery across my legs, and Kenna curled up in my armpit. Lots of Tylenol and Motrin being doled out. Avery decides to start throwing up this afternoon. Kenna won't drink any more, and Shaun starts to have a hard time breathing and his fever kept creeping up even with meds. Normally I can deal fine with it, but on no sleep? By the time Aaron got home, I was almost hysterical.
(Oh yeah, and my butt head manager had to call me this afternoon, too. Our hospital is currently being audited, and last night at work, I failed to catch something another nurse missed, 4 days ago. Since I am the one who normally catches these things, it's my fault, of course. And she devil is considering holding me responsible, and what am I going to do to fix it? You know, why am I not doing her job? One more thing to my emotional breakdown.)
I was about to wrap Shaun up and take him outside to open up his airways, when my Honey shows his true genius, "why don't you take Shaun to get McDonald's and leave the window open on the drive?"
End result? A small break, return to sanity, and much better kids. The cold wind opened Shaun up and actually brought his fever below 102. Kenna chugged the powerade. And Avery didn't puke the chicken nuggets. Strange considering that was one of the few things I kept down when I was pregnant with her. Think she was born to not puke nuggets?
Today, I am really grateful for McDonald's.
Funny end story. Because McKenna's fevers have been so high, she's been a little loopy. Sat night, she didn't wake up all the way to go to the bathroom. Avery stopped her from peeing on the stool, so she peed in the garbage instead. (And I was at work and didn't have to clean it!)
5 years ago
I think that you are ready for a padded room.
YEA!! for McDonalds!!!
The one thing I don't miss is sick kids. I can handle the fever but the throwing up puts me over the edge. Hang in there someday they'll be better.
"...and I didn't have to clean it up." Truly a happy ending!
We fine pleasure in the funniest places sometimes.
I hope that they are getting better and that you are claiming your sanity back.
Never a dull moment for you, I'm sorry! I hope the kids start feeling better soon and your new manager goes back to hell. Good luck :)
you are tuff. I'm so glad that I'm not in your situation.(knock on wood.) I can barely handle one sick kid let alone three and work with the devil. I hope things get better really really soon.
It is so stressful when the kids get sick. Glad to hear you found a way to remedy it :) I will have to try that next time. Hope they continue to improve!
I'm still giggling. to funny peeing in the garbage. awesome you didn't have to clean it. we are also mcdonalds fans. love you.
It is so scary for me when the kids have a fever that won't go down with drugs. Probably less scary for you, being a nurse. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean you are getting any more sleep! Perhaps, because she is from hell, you could tell your manger to go back home?;)
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