Well, ignoring every one's advice, I decided to take the job. It will be a huge cut financially, I am opting to give up my management pay as well as all the other stuff. But, what ultimately made me decide is the work environment.
First, my floor has oodles of issues. There is one RN who has actually showed up to work smashed a few times. One bring her laptop to work to look at porn. She'll stop for a few months after she gets in trouble, and then starts back up again. And the entire talk/attitude of the place is horribly negative. Lots of sex talk. Lots of "I hate being in health care." No one helps each other. And people having affairs is not even hidden. Everything I hear about IMC is it is very professional and everyone works together.
I've been talking to a lot of people about my new floor. Apparently my new manager, Katie, is very much of the opinion that it is only a job, and family must come first. While we already know Annette's attitude is the exact opposite; work must come before everything else. I think that is what made the final decision for me.
In the end, I have decided the money isn't worth what I have to be staying for.
I start training at the end of the month.
5 years ago