Friday, October 2, 2009


When getting ready for work today, I was quizzing Kenna on her spelling words. Suddenly, she yells out: "Oh Shaun you have no idea how lucky you are! Wait till you get old, life is so hard! You have to do SPELLING TESTS!"
Oh, if only spelling tests were the one bane of my existence!
And...... if she is old, then what am I?


r said...

Oh the innocence! Very funny :)

Ginger said...

Hey, I can't spell and that is not my biggest problem. If only it were! If you are old I am ancient!

Kricket said...

So funny! Isn't it interesting that no matter where you are in life everything seems hard but when you were younger everything you stressed out about was silly? I need to keep this in mind when the next "stress" comes up lol.


You will have to remind her of this when she is older. Such a cute girl!

:cassia marie: said...

oh i love those kids! can we come visit you sometime? we're going to be here for christmas break, so maybe that will be the easiest time to come and say hi, but i just love you all so much!